War Memorial

Photo of the war memorial at St Mary's Leake, flanked by bugler and veteran in uniform.

The size and prominence of the war memorial at Leake shows the impact that the world wars had on this small rural parish. The memorial is dedicated

To the glorious memory of the

following men of this parish who

gave their lives for their

country in the Great War

The following are listed as having died in the First World War:

Robert Bellwood

Fred Calvert

Richard Hamilton Gains

Edward Grainger        

Robert Franks Grainger

George Rudolph Hablutzel  

James Harland           

Frederick Noble 

Christopher Miles Pearson  

Reginald Pearson

William Harry Rowland        

Tom Smith

The following are commemorated from the Second World War:

J Hastings

R Fletcher

To mark 100 years since the end of the First World War, Norma Sutton and Linda Gibbon have researched each of the men who are listed as having died in that conflict from this parish. As well as looking through the records, they have also spoken to the relatives of several of those listed below. We are grateful to all those who helped us compile this information and we would be delighted to hear from anyone who has anything further that we can add.

Linda and Norma have reflected on carrying out this research:

When we started out to research the 12 men named on Leake War Memorial who died in army service in the First World War, 1914-18, it was intended to be a tribute to them. It was also to mark the 100th Anniversary of the start of the war, often referred to as the Great War, because at that time, as it was on such a large scale, it was assumed to be the war to end all wars.

The last few months has opened our eyes to the stories of the men and also some of the people they left behind who also ‘served’ in their own ways. In the porch of the church there is a ‘Roll of Honour’. This is not a complete record and in keeping with its time, does not attempt to go beyond those men who served in the armed forces or in Home Defence.

There are 12 names on the memorial of men who died in this war; 8 are aged 19-29, and the other 4 are 33, 35, 39, and 40.

Four were married, and 3 had small children.

Most enlisted locally but 3 enlisted as far away as Manchester (George Hablutzel, a regular soldier with a Swiss father), Kent (Reg. Pearson) and New South Wales, Australia (his brother Christopher), who were both local lads originally.

An initial assumption by us was that it was likely that most men would be in local regiments such as the then Alexandra’s, Princess of Wales Own, later known as the Green Howards. In fact only 4 of them were, which maybe because others had family connections to other regiments, or because another recruiting sergeant came calling. We do not know.

Some started out in one regiment and ended in another. This we learned was common practice as the front line became thinner and the few survivors from one hard hit regiment were sent to reinforce another. Sometimes it was because after injury, men were sent to different regiments doing different tasks.

All of our men served in the ranks, but half became non-commissioned officers, and one became a second lieutenant. Where information is available we have shown their promotions. In the later phases of their careers, promotion seems meteoric, but on reflection this probably means that unplanned vacancies were occurring all too frequently.

Where we have it, we have also included some background family information as well as military. This is based mainly on the censuses, military records, local parish and school registers and invaluable family information that has been shared with us.

What it has brought home to us is the impact on families in practical as well as emotional ways of sending a key member to that war, and then their not returning.

Having attended a local exhibition in Thirsk in the summer, it also emphasized the work men and increasingly women did at the front and at home in non–combat roles, such as in factories, on the land, the buses, in munitions, as stretcher bearers, ambulance drivers, nurses. Some even went to prison for their beliefs.  No one was left unaffected.

We are really grateful for all the help we have received from families, North Yorkshire County Records staff, regimental sources, and other researchers we have met along the way.

Any errors that remain we take full responsibility for, but we would welcome any more information about these brave men, as we feel this maybe ‘work in progress’.

Private Robert Bellwood

Military Information

Robert Bellwood was born at Borrowby Banks on 18.4.1896 and was killed in action in Flanders, Belgium on 26.6.1916, aged 20.

Robert enlisted in Northallerton and was private 4058, in the 4th Battalion, the Alexandra (Princess of Wales) Regiment. Later it became The Green Howards.

His death is commemorated in Belgium, 1D9 Loker Churchyard, Belgium. Robert’s death is remembered on his brother Samuel’s grave in Leake Churchyard.

Additional Information

Robert attended Knayton School, 29.7.1901 until 3.12.1909.

1901 Census:

Father: George, born Langton 1859, General labourer

Mother: Jane Ellen Watson. Born in Bagby 1862 (died 1952).

Their children; Elizabeth 15, Weston 13, Tom 12, Abe 10. Annie 9, Mathew 8, Breckon Rowland 5, Robert 4, Bart 3. Jane A 1, and John T Bellwood 20.

1911 Census:

Robert is listed as a worker on the farm living in the home of Robert Dennison of Thornton-le Beans.

Robert was married 1915 in Thornaby to Florence Hollins, nee Price. Who was born in 1896 died in 1922 in Thornaby. They had no children.

St Mary’s Leake church magazine noted in August 1916 the loss of Robert Bellwood, Borrowby (five members of his family joined the army). He was 20 years of age ‘sympathy to his widow and relatives: Bart and George (father)’

After Robert died Florence married Cyril Edward Morris they also had no children and when Florence died Cyril married Dorothy Burn.

Private Frederick Calvert

Military Information

Frederick Calvert was born in Borrowby 10.9.1897 and was killed in action in Flanders, Belgium on 29.11.1917, aged 20.

Frederick, or Fred as he was listed in the 1901 census, enlisted in Richmond and was Private 202912 in the 5/6th Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles).

His death is commemorated in Belgium, on Panel 68-70 & 162/162A, Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.

Additional Information

Fred was baptised at Leake on 17.10.1897. He attended Knayton school, register no. 262, and left at 14 on 8.9.1911.

1901 Census: 4 Diamond Road Middlesbrough.

Father, Joe, 31, railway cartman, mother Kate nee Hutchinson,30, Fred 3, Violet 1, born in Borrowby and Beatrice Maud Hutchinson 15 ,sister in law.

1911 Census: Borrowby.

Fred 13, living in the house of his grandmother, Ann Hutchinson born 1843, head of the household, Her husband was Mark Hutchinson, shown on the 1901 census as born in Boltby, a stonemason. Ann is by now a widowed shopkeeper. The shop appears to be next door to the Wheatsheaf Inn and Reading Room in Borrowby. She is living together with her daughters Harriet 28, Beatrice 25, and granddaughter, Violet Hutchinson 2, and grandson, Fred.

Records indicate that Fred’s sister, Violet, died in 1901, his mother in 1903, and his father in 1904.

Fred is shown on the Leake War Memorial as C Calvert, which appears to be an error.

Lance Corporal Richard Hamilton Gains

Military Information

Richard Hamilton Gains was born on 27.12.1892 in Borrowby.

He died of his wounds in France, on 29.11.1916, aged 23.

Richard enlisted in Thirsk and was L/Cpl 2497, in the 4th Battalion, Green Howards/ Alexandra. (The Green Howards website refers to a Richard Henry Gains).

His death is commemorated in France, at O.111.0.6 St Sever Cemetery extension, Rouen, France.

Additional Information

Richard was baptized at St Mary’s Church, Leake on the 19.1.1893.

He was admitted to Knayton School on the 2.5.1898 and left on 11.7.1906. His register number was 116.

1901 Census; Borrowby (next to Wesleyan Sunday School):

Father; Robert Henry Gains, 33, born 1868 in Borrowby, forester, estate woodman; mother, Ruth, 32, born Ellastone, Staffordshire, Richard H 8, Eliz 9, and John Henry,4.

1911 Census; Balkwood Farm, Sutton.

Richard H. Gains 18, cowman, living ‘On the Farm’, employed by Sarah Elizabeth Fountain, widow 70, Farmer, Balkwood Farm, Sutton,

20.6.15: Richard, with his father Robert Henry, were witnesses at the marriage of Richard’s sister, Elizabeth to Tom Pybus Cartwright, at Leake.

Kathleen Cook, Richard’s neice lives in Knayton.

Private Edward Grainger

Military Information

Private Edward Grainger was born 8.3.1882, in Warlaby, near Northallerton.

He died of his wounds in Dover Military Hospital, on 2.6.1917, aged 35.

He enlisted in Richmond, and last lived in East Harlsey, Northallerton.

He was originally in the Durham Light Infantry, 35171, but at the time of his death he was private 9638, in the Labour Corps of the Lincolnshire Regiment.

There is a memorial stone no. 260 in Leake churchyard opposite the north door, where he was buried on 6/6/17.

Additional Information

1891 Census: Warlaby

Father: William, born 1844 in Bagby. He was herdsman.

Mother: Jane, nee Goldsborough, born Brompton, 1851.

They married in Ainderby Steeple 4.3.1872.

Their children: Margaret 18, Emily 15, William 13, Edward 9, Florence 7, John 5.

1901 census: Newsham Hill Farm, Darlington Durham.

Edward 29, boarding with John Gill’s family, where he is listed as a draughtsman worker.

1911 census:

Edward – living in Borrowby with his wife. Their home may have been a private house next to the chapel.

He married Lilly (sic) Brown from Thornley, Durham, at Merrington, St. John The Evangelist Church in 1910. They had two daughters, Elsie 24.2.1911 and Doris 26.2.14.

After Edward died Lily married Arthur Hooper from East Harlsey and they had four sons and a daughter. Lily moved to Australia where she died and it is believed that her ashes were interred in Edward’s grave in Leake.

Elsie, Edward’s daughter, is thought to have married Christopher S Kemp. Elsie died in Claro in 1979 aged 68. There was one son Kenneth L Kemp who was born 2.12.37 and died April1998, aged 60 years. Kenneth married Margaret P Morton in Claro.

Doris was born in Borrowby and died 1978 in Leeds; she was married and had two children.

There is some family difference of opinion as to whether Grainger should be spelt ‘Granger’. Early marriage records show that where this family signed their own name it was as “Granger”

Edward is also named on the War Memorial at Ingleby Arncliffe, where his widow lived.

Rifleman Robert Franks Grainger

Military Information

Robert Franks Grainger was born in Borrowby in October 1882.

He died of his wounds in action on 9.10.1916, in France, aged 33.

Robert was a labourer, last resident in Borrowby and enlisted in Thirsk.

He was Rifleman C/12573, in 21st Battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Corp.

His death is commemorated in Britain, and at Commonwealth War Graves: 111.D.65, Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt L’Abbe, Somme, France.

Additional Information

Robert’s parents were; William born in Borrowby 1840-1908 (68) and Amelia born at Saddle Gill 1842-1931(died 90)

1891 Census:

Siblings: Tom 23, Emma 18, Eliza 10, Robert F 8, Mary Ann Sadler 72.

1901 Census:

William, 61, general labourer; Amelia 59; Robert, tailor’s apprentice.

1911 Census: Felixkirk.

Robert was boarding in Felixkirk with Thomas William Smith, 31 years, and Mary Evelyn 28, his wife, and Mary Evelyn 10 months. Robert’s occupation was gardener (domestic).

Leake transcript of gravestones notes Robert’s death on Wm. Grainger’s stone. (no 302). “Also of Robert Franks GRAINGER dearly beloved son of the above who died of wounds received in action in France Oct 9th 1916, 33 years. Grant him eternal rest O Lord. Also of Amelia beloved wife of the above William Grainger d. Feb.23rd 1931 aged 90 years.”

Robert is also listed on the Felixkirk Church memorial.

(Amelia is listed in the Leake Church burials register for 25.2.31, aged ’89 years’, and of 15 Bath St., Redcar.)

Second Lieutenant George Rudolph Hablutzel

Military Information

2nd Lieutentant George Rudolph Hablutzel was born in July 1877 in Chorlton, Lancashire, and killed in action on 1.7.1916, in France, aged 39.

It is not known where he enlisted but he would have been about 17 when he joined the 1st Battalion, King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment), and was 2nd Lieutenant, 4600, when he died.

His regiment record that ‘George Rudolph Hablutzel, no.4600, of the King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment probably enlisted in 1894. His number would suggest around November or December 1894.

In August 1908 he was with the 1st Battalion in India having passed an examination in Colloquial Hindustani. It can be assumed all of his service from 1908 to 1914 was with the 1st Battalion.

He received the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal in July

1913 and was promoted to Company Sergeant Major on 2nd April 1914.  He went overseas to the Western Front on 23rd August 1914 with the 1st Battalion.

He was promoted from Company Sergeant Major to 2nd Lieutenant with the 1st Battalion, King’s Own, for service in the field on 30th May 1916.

He was killed in action on the 1st July 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme in which the 1st Battalion was heavily involved.

His death is commemorated in: Pier & Face 5D & 12B,The Thiepval Memorial, Somme. He is also noted on his wife’s grave no.405, Leake.

Additional Information

1881 Census:  139 Radnor St., Hulme, Manchester.

Father: (Gaspard) Henry, 31, a foreign correspondent, born in Switzerland. Mother: (Bridget) Agnes Manton 31,from Ireland, Geo 3, also Elizabeth 68, mother of Gaspard, also born in Switzerland 1813, and Jacob Susli 20, a boarder, also a foreign correspondent.

(Bridget Agnes died in 1883 and Gaspard Henry married Martha Nixon they had seven children, half siblings to George.

George had a sister Rosalie, born 1881 and died 1951 in Nottingham. She had no children.)

1891 Census: Manchester and Salford reformatory,

George was an ‘Inmate’, aged 13, ‘juvenile criminal’ (Reformatory Act 1866).

Whilst serving in India it is believed he met his wife to be, Lydia Annie Boyes born in Cowesby. Lydia was born 1876   and died in 1972. Lydia had gone out to India as a lady’s maid. They married in Thirsk in October 1906.

1911 Census: in barracks posted to India.

Sergeant in King’s Own, born Manchester.

It is believed they returned to Northallerton with their son Kenneth. Born 13.7.1912. George returned to military service.

Kenneth married Freda Metcalfe Megginson.

Kenneth died in 1984 and Freda in 2013.They lived at Green Acres, since known as Cockstride House, Borrowby and had no children.

Lance Serjeant James (Barker) Harland

Military Information:

Lance Serjeant James (Barker) Harland was born in Borrowby in 1875 and killed in action in Flanders & France on 11.7.1915, aged 40 /41.

James enlisted in Sand Hutton, York and was Lance Serjeant 594, in the 5th Battalion, Green Howards/ Alexandra Regiment

*Most websites give 11.7.15 as date of death but “UK Soldiers who died in Great War’: record his death as 1/7/15 not 11th.

His death is commemorated in IV.B.4 R.E.Farm Cemetery, Warlencourt, Pas de Calais, France.  Tees Archives indicate that his death is commemorated at RE Farm, Wytschaete Cemetery, four miles south of Ypres.

James’ name is listed on war memorials in Middlesbrough, and Sandhutton & Claxton, near York.

(Lance Serjeant (sic) is a corporal acting in the capacity of serjeant. The spelling was not changed to ‘sergeant’ in the British Army until 1953, but remains as Serjeant in The Rifles.)

Additional Information

1881 Census: Borrowby Grove:

Father; William Harland 37,occupation: land drawer, born 1844 – 26.11.18., Mother;  Mary  Sarah, nee Barker,  35, of   Lumley, Durham, dob 1846-1925, William 11, Richard 8, James Barker 6, Elizabeth 4 ,and John 2.

1891 Census:  Gisburn Park, Skipton, Yorks

James 16, Servant/page.

James Harland married Mary Dakers from Seaton Carew, Durham on 27.10.1900.

1901 Census; Thornton le Beans:

James Harland, Inn Keeper. Wife, Mary, 26.

1911 Census: Sand Hutton, York,   (Bossall and Buttercrambe, District)

James, Mary, Ethel 9, Dora 7, Ada 5.

Leake Parish Registers:

Burials: p22, William buried 26.11.18 (father)

p30, Mary S, aged 80, buried 18.4.25. (mother)

Marriages: p189, James Barker Harland, 26, labourer, to Mary Dakers, 27, Kirby Sigston on 27.10.00.  Father listed as Inn Keeper and Mary’s as farmer. Witness, Eliz. Hannah Harland.

Forces War Records has Mary at 105 Victoria Rd, Middlesbrough, in 1915.

(p225, Eliz. H, 30, to Robert Cornforth, 25, gardener, Stockton in Cleveland.

P215, Richard, 23, engineer, married 9.1.09 to Lillie Gray, 27.)

Private Frederick Noble

Military Information

Private Frederick Noble was born in Snilesworth, Hawnby

in 1892. He was killed in action in Flanders on 31.7.1917, aged 26.

Fred enlisted in Ripon in November 1915.

He was Private 17529, in the Coldstream Guards.

His death is commemorated in Panel K, Ypres, Menin Gate, Belgium.

Additional Information

Fred was born in Hawnby, son of Robert, born in Reighton 1855, a gamekeeper in Snilesworth, and Harriet, born 1863 in Helmsley.

1901 census: Snilesworth, Hawnby

Father: Robert 46, Harriet 38, sons James 11, Fred 9, Ivo 5 and Ada Alice daughter 3. All were born in Hawnby.

1911 census: Borrowby.

Robert, farmer 57 (died 3.9.1911) Harriet 48, James 21, Fred 19 ‘farmer’s sons working on the farm’, Ivo 15, apprentice house joiner, Ada Alice farmer’s daughter, dairy work, Robert Marr 5, born in Borrowby and at school and Robert’s brother, George 55, farmer.

A family named Noble had West End Farm in the centre of Borrowby. The last male owner from the Noble Family was known as Marrie Noble.

Sergeant Christopher Miles Pearson

Military Information

Christopher Miles Pearson was born in 1890, in Borrowby, and killed in action on 12.10.1917 in Flanders, Belgium, aged 29 years 3 months.

Christopher enlisted on 3.01.1916 in Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia, aged 27 years 3 months. He joined the Australian Imperial Force (AIF), and became Sergeant 153, in the 36th battalion, A company.

His death is commemorated in Panel 7-17-23,25,27,29,31 Ypres Menin Gate Memorial, Belgium.

Additional Information

An insert in the Parish register (1897) indicates that Christopher was born in 1890, but inferring his date of birth from the AIF archive it is possible he was born in 1888 and this would concur with the 1891 census entry of:

1891 census: Gueldable: (next door to the Wheatsheaf Inn),

Father; Miles Pearson, 36, c.1855, born Borrowby, tailor, and Mother, Jane 30, Mabel J 10, Marion 7, Hilda 4, Christopher M, 2.

By 1901 census both parents and Mabel and Hilda, sisters, had died. The remaining sister, Marion was a 17 years old servant for George Rennison, 80 and daughter Elizabeth 52, residing in Sunderland.

1911 census; Hull.

This shows Christopher, 21, born around 1890, as boarding at 72, Walmsley St., Spring Bank, Hull, a boarding house run by Clara Richards.  He is single and a grocer’s assistant.

This occupation of grocer also links to the AIF record. (See below).

National Archives of Australia/records search show that at enlistment, Christopher was single, C of E,, 5’6”, 10st 3lb, chest 38”, brown eyes. Light brown hair.

There are signed Attestation papers to serve abroad on 28/1/16. He had been rejected   previously by HM services for bad eyesight.

Had served a 4yr apprenticeship with grocer (Russell) in Northallerton and was a grocer salesman on enlistment.

His Will was made and lodged with Mr GS Bell ‘Elwick’, Marine Drive, Drummoyne, NSW on 6/6/17. This certificate was typed as Christopher Myles Pearson, but no signature. Later letter from Mr GS Bell had ‘ Kooyong’, Raglan St, Mosman NSW, on 8/2/18 asking for document to prove death to claim on insurance £17.

Personal info:

Embarked, Sydney  ?? on Beltana, 13.5.16

Disembarked Devonport 9/7/16. Overseas to France,  22.11.16.

Died 12.10.17.

3.1.16 -28.3.17 – Private

1.3.17 – 30.5.17 – Lance Corporal

31.5.17 -11.6.17 – Corporal

12.6.17 – 13/9/17 – Temp Sgt

14.9.17  – Sgt

Returned from leave 29.9.17

Missing in action report 12.10.17 and reported killed.

He gave information of his sister as his next of kin: Marion c/o J Cooper, Oldfield Cottage, Windermere UK (1916) Previously, 7 West Villas, Stockton on Tees.

Christopher was the brother of Reginald. (see below).

Sapper/Corporal Reginald Newton Pearson

Military Information

Sapper/Corporal Reginald Newton Pearson was born in Borrowby in 1892, and killed in action on 9.5.1915 in Belgium, aged 23.

He enlisted in Margate, Kent, and was Corporal 1342, in the Royal Engineers RE, formerly no. 2420 E Kent Regt, 28th Signal RE.

His death is commemorated at Panel 9 Ypres Menin Gate, Belgium.

When he enlisted Reginald was living at Mildura, Upper Dane Rd, Margate. He first enlisted in the regiment formerly known as The Buffs on 30.9.1914.

He served 222 days, at first in UK until 14.1.15, and then in France until he was killed in action. He served as a private, and was transferred as a sapper on 11.11.1914.

Additional Information

1891 census: Borrowby

Reginald’s parents were living in Borrowby next door to the Wheatsheaf Inn. Reginald had yet to be born.

1901 census:  uncertain where Reginald was living. His older remaining sister was boarding in Sunderland and the whereabouts of brother, Christopher is also uncertain.

1911 Census:  Hackney, London.

Reg. Newton Pearson, boarder at 215, Richmond Road, Hackney London NE. Aged 19, born c1890. single, clerk. Birthplace;  Borrowby, Yorks.

A cross is in place in St Mary’s Churchyard, Leake, by the north door.

“In loving memory of Reginald Newton Pearson killed in action in France May 9th 1915 aged 23 yrs. “He answered his call”. In memory of Christopher Miles, son of Miles & Jane Pearson, who was killed in France, 12th Oct. 1917.”

From the New Soldiers records/Ancestry:

His medical on 30.9.1914, records him as being 22 years 6 months, 5’4’’, chest size 38 ¾”, vision 6/6, physical development 90.

His records indicate that as with Christopher Miles Pearson, his brother, he named his sister Marion as his next of kin. Correspondence after his death from Marion to his regiment indicates she was at Low House Farm, Borrowby.

A letter of 16.9.1915 indicates receipt of his belongings; bundle of letters, 6 keys, gospel, glass (broken), picture postcard, Onoto diary, but also a new khaki suit. Marion’s letter asks what she should do with this new suit. A reply was sent on 17.9.15, but content unknown.

Later correspondence about the issue of medals, gives a c/o address for Marion of 7 Western Villas, Stockton, c/o Mrs Cook (26.8.19). On 29.5.21, the 1914-15 Star Medal was issued, and on 1.2.22, the Victory Medal was sent to Marion at 4, Deloraine, Bowness in Westmoreland.

Private William Henry Rowland

Private William Henry Rowland was born in Brompton, nr. Northallerton, between  April-June 1899. He was killed in action on 20.07.1918, in Flanders, aged 19.

He was last resident in Borrowby and enlisted at 16, in Richmond, Yorkshire and was Private 60282 in the 2/5th battalion, Prince of Wales Own (W.Yorks. Regiment).

His death is commemorated in CWG: III.C.10. Marfaux British Cemetery, Marne, France.

The regimental archive records that the 2nd. Battalion was of regular soldiers who were reinforced by the 5th battalion who were originally part–time reservists intended to reinforce regulars in time of war. The 5th recruited mainly from the York area. The 2/5th became one of 4 new war-raised Territorial Battalions, who formed the 185th Brigade of the 62nd Division, and were sent to France in January 1917.

Additional Information

William Henry’s parents were Gregory, born Stokesley in 1871, and Mary Eleanor Atkinson, of Chopgate, born 1873.

They married in 1893.

William had 2 brothers, Cyril Gregory (b. 5.11.1898), Ernest, known as Pin, born 1904, and a sister, Gladys.

Cyril, served with the Lincolnshire Regiment, and was medically discharged on 6.12.1918. He later worked as market gardener, where Newburn, Borrowby, is now. He married at 28, in 1926 at Leake to Hilda May Robson.

Cyril was the father of Eric Rowland who lives in Borrowby today.

Photos of William and Cyril are in the village album curated by Eric Rowland.

Acting Corporal Tom Smith

Military Information

Acting Corporal Tom Smith was born in West Hartlepool, in August 1890, and was killed in action, in Flanders on 12.10.1917, aged 27.

He was last resident in Thirsk, enlisted in Newcastle, and served as Acting Corporal 235444, in the 9th Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment. He previously served as no.1720 Northern Cyclist Battalion.

His death is commemorated in the Yorks and Lancaster Regiment Panel 125-128 Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium and on the grave of his mother, Christiana’s, grave no.247, at Leake Church. “Tom Smith of Borrowby, Northern Cyclist Corps, son of Christiana who died 29/3/28, aged 64.”

Additional Information

1891 Census: 1, Whitfield Terrace, West Hartlepool.

Father; James 45, postal telegraph linesman, C.Ellen 33, born Berwick Northumberland, Mary 10, Geo P 8, James G 6, Tom 8 months.

1901 Census: 22, Derwent St., Benwell Northumberland.

James 55, head of the household, born 1846 in Whittingham,

Postal Telegraph linesman; Christiana Ellen, 43, born Berwick ,1858. James G son 18 years apprentice joiner, George 16, both born in Alnwick, Tom 10, Jane 8

Tom 10, born West Hartlepool, Jane 8, and Arthur 7, both born in Gateshead.

1911 Census: Borrowby.

James Smith 65, Retd. PO Armature  Linesman. Christiana, 53 . Married 21 years. No children listed at address. Records show they had had six children.

Photo of the cenotaph at St Mary's Leake


Find My Past – for all similar information, for each man, unless stated otherwise

Forces War Records, and  as above

Yorkshire Regiments

The following five regiments are listed in order of seniority, with very brief notes as to their naming.

The 14th Regiment of Foot became (in 1880) The Prince of Wales’s Own (West Yorkshire Regiment). Fought in the First World War as The West Yorkshire Regiment.

The 15th Regiment of Foot became (in 1881)The East Yorkshire Regiment, and fought under that name in the First World War. In 1935 this regiment became The East Yorkshire Regiment (The Duke of York’s Own).

The 19th Regiment of Foot became (in 1902) Alexandra, The Princess of Wales’s Own Yorkshire Regiment, which was known simply as The Yorkshire Regimentin the First World War. In 1920 the name became The Green Howards(Alexandra, The Princess of Wales’s Own Yorkshire Regiment), shortened to The Green Howards.

The 51st Regiment of Foot became the 51st (2nd Yorkshire West Riding) Regiment of Foot, which, in turn became the 51st (2nd Yorkshire West Riding) The King’s Own Light Infantry. In 1897 the title was changed to The King’s Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), known as The King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantryin the First World War. This became the regiment’s official name in 1921.

The 65th and 84th Regiments of Foot became the 65th (2nd Yorkshire North Riding) Regiment of Foot and the 84th (York and Lancaster) Regiment of Foot. Combined with 2 (militia) battalions of the 3rd West Yorkshire Light infantry, these regiments became The York and Lancaster Regiment.

(from Green Howards website)

Commonwealth War Graves (CWG), and for each man unless stated otherwise

Knayton School register

All Census information via Ancestry, unless stated otherwise

Family information

Forces War Records

Forces War Records


St Mary's Church, Leake